03 Mar
  • By Aly Clift
  • Cause in

Letter to Senator Template

Below is a sample of a letter to be used when contacting Senators asking for their support of SB185/HB1 when it hits the Senate floor.

Find your Senator’s contact information.

Dear Senator <Insert Senator Last Name>,

On Thursday, March 19th, the Health and Human Services Committee voted unanimously to include HB1 with SB185. Today I am asking for your support of this amended bill. This bill will serve a great purpose for all Georgians affected by many conditions and will allow the 17 refugee families forced to live in Colorado to receive this medicine to come back home to Georgia.

These Georgians effect by the 8 conditions in this bill deserve access to care just like everyone else in the state. We appreciate your support and hope you will vote YES to SB185/HB1.


<Insert Your Name>